To take advantage of the offer, please follow these steps:
- Select a movie
- Select the two or the three seats you wish to reserve
- Use the promo code on the offers page.
- Confirm the offer and proceed to the payment page.
- 2 Tickets for the price of 70 SR | Promo Code: B2F70
- 3 Tickets for the price of 99 SR | Promo Code: B3F99
Terms & Conditions
- This offer is available on the standard ( Blue Seats ) experiences only
- From the 23 June till the 1 July
- Offer available only in Riyadh
- This offer is available only through the VOX Cinemas website and application.
- Customers can benefit from the offer for unlimited times.
- Online booking fees are to be added.
- This offer cannot be exchanged for cash value or any other offer.