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Watch more and pay less with one of VOX Cinemas' exclusive bank offers.
SAB 50% Offer


AlRajhi Mokafaa' Loyalty Program


Mobily - Neqaty Loyalty Prgram

Emirates NBD BOGOF Offer

Meem BOGOF Offer

Watch more and pay less with MAJID ALFUTTAIM's exclusive SHARE offers.

SHARE - Birthday Offer

VOX Cinemas KSA Movie Ticket Offers
Discover fantastic VOX Cinemas offers available to credit cardholders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. From Buy One Get One free movie tickets to loyalty points discounts, VOX Cinemas has partnered with some of the country’s most popular financial institutions to bring our customers the best movie ticket offers around.
VOX Cinemas KSA Movie Ticket Offers on Credit Cards
VOX Cinemas Saudi Arabia is offering Emirates NBD credit cardholders an excellent buy-one-get-one-free offers on movie tickets on movie tickets for screenings on Fridays and Saturdays. Simply log in to your VOX Cinemas account to redeem your free ticket at checkout. Make sure you complete the purchase with your Emirates NBD credit card for the discount to be applied.
Customers of Al Rajhi Bank can also make the most of their Mokafaa loyalty points to purchase VOX Cinemas tickets to the latest Hollywood hits. To do so, head to the VOX Cinemas website or app, log in or sign up as a new member, and select your seats. You can choose to redeem your loyalty points on the payment page and pay the remaining balance by credit card, if necessary.
You can also find our other deals here:
- Sunday Night Movie Offer - Get your second ticket only for 10 SAR on Sunday nights.
- Student Offer - Enjoy a standard ticket and popcorn for just 35 SAR.
- Al Rajhi Mokafaa Loyalty Program - Redeem your Al Rajhi Mokafa’a loyalty program points at VOX Cinemas!
- SAB Credit Card Cinema Offer< - Get %50 discount on your movie tickets with SAB bank credit cards./li>
- STC Qitaf Loyalty Points - Pay your tickets with your STC Qitaf Loyalty Points at VOX Cinemas!
- Share Double Points Offer - Get double the SHARE points with your first purchase at VOX Cinemas.
- Share Birthday Offer - During your birthday get 500 SHARE points when you buy any popcorn at VOX Cinemas!
Maximize Your Savings: Buy One Get One Free Movie Ticket Offers In Saudi Arabia
VOX Cinemas' popular credit card movie offers in KSA mean you can enjoy your favourite laugh-out-loud comedies, high-stakes dramas, and action-packed thrillers as much as you want. Whether you are heading to the cinema with friends, family, or loved ones, avail our buy one get one free movie ticket offers to get the best deals possible.
With extra savings at the cinema, you can upgrade your drinks and snacks, or head out for a bite to eat before or after the screening.
VOX Cinemas Saudi Arabia - Discounts You Can’t Miss
Check out the VOX Cinemas website for the best movie offers in Saudi Arabia. We regularly update our offers and add new exclusive deals for credit cardholders and loyal VOX Cinemas customers. If you are a big movie fan, it is the best way to find the best deals on tickets.
To access our cinema offers, use the relevant credit card to complete the payment and always log in to your account before checking out. We look forward to seeing you at VOX Cinemas KSA soon!