In the aftermath of the Second Gulf War, Hobal tells the story of a Bedouin family led by the grandfather, Liam, who believes that recent signs mark the end of days. Taking his family, he retreats into the desert to live in total isolation. But when Refa, his granddaughter, contracts a contagious illness, her mother Sarra is forced to challenge Liam’s rules to save her daughter’s life. With the help of Assaf, a boy who fears losing Refa, Sarra’s decision tests the family’s beliefs and the limits of their survival. Hobal is the third collaboration between director Abdulaziz Alshlahei and writer Mufarrij Almajfel.
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Hobal - Showtimes
Al Qasr Mall - Riyadh
- Standard
Atyaf Mall - Riyadh
- Standard
Century Corner - Riyadh
Private Cinema i
- 4:30pm
- 9:45pm
- Standard
Hail Square - Hail
Jeddah Park - Jeddah
Jubail Galleria Mall - Jubail
Kingdom Centre - Riyadh
Red Sea Mall - Jeddah
Riyadh Park - Riyadh
Roshn Front - Riyadh
- Standard