
Young Pinocchio runs away from his genius creator - Carpenter Jepetto to see the world. Pinocchio, accompanied by the vain Ram Fredo, joins a traveling circus run by a hustler called Modjafoco. Pinocchio, the talking puppet, becomes the main star of the circus. Modjafoco sells out shows in every town, while his helpers, Basilio, the cat, and Alice the fox, rob the houses of the visitors. Pinocchio does not know about it. He falls in love with the young gymnast Bella, stepdaughter to Mojafoco. However, Pinocchio has no chance to win her love as he is a puppet, not a human. Fantozzi, an old clown, advises Pinocchio to visit the wizard Lucilda, who may be able to help him. Pinochhio and Fredo go on an incredible journey. But they are not aware that ambitious detective Brioni is already investigating the multiple robberies and the main suspect is…Pinocchio. Will Pinocchio manage to prove his innocence, become a human and win love of his life?